Monday, January 19, 2009

~HOA Board President’s 2008 Annual Report ~

The year 2008 marked the 6th year for the Grande Park Homeowners Association. The Homeowners Board has continued the established programs that were in place during previous years. The board consist of 5 members. Morgan Property Management continued to represent Grande Park and their contract was renewed for another year.

Newton’s Landscaping contract was renewed for another year. Newton’s Landscaping has done an excellent job and based on reports received everyone seems satisfied. The Social Committee. Carol Hammett and Shinnette Richmond co-chaired the Social Committee. They continued with events and programs such as the Easter Egg Hunt, yard sale, National Night Out, and fall festival. The December Lumination was left up to each individual homeowner. Everyone enjoyed the Christmas Caroling and the donations of food for the Durham Rescue Mission was a success. The $25.00 gift certificate was given to Jill Hoffman on Carey Place for the best decorated house during Christmas. These events were successful due to the tireless efforts put forth by the Social Committee. Our community owes this committee a great deal of thanks. Ann McCracken, Amy Kujawa, Kristen Barnhill and Lenore Plymire helped in some of these events and their assistance was greatly appreciated. Thank you on behalf of our community!!!!

The Block Captains, established in 2004, continued to play a role in representing the neighborhood and making sure needed information was distributed to their respective groups. As of this time all nine Block Captains positions are filled. Some of the older Block Captains would like someone else to step up and give them a break. It is not in the best interest of Grande Park to keep the same ones without giving them a break. The Grande Park Newsletter, edited by Don McFarland, was discontinued. The reason for the stopping the newsletter was the implementation of the Grande Park Blog. This web page was set up and maintained by Carol Hammett. This Blogs offers the community an instant update on current events and other useful information. Every resident should earmark this web site on their computers because if you want to know what is happening or need help this is where you go.

Comments and suggestions are always welcome. The Architectural Improvement Committee (ARC) continues to keep our neighborhood in compliance with the Architectural Guidelines that were established and then revised in August 2003. This committee is composed of Cas Duval. Cas has done an exceptional job and our thanks go out to him. Cas can use some additional help and if you are interested in serving please give him a call.

The additional light in the playground was finally installed. This additional light was needed and provided the light necessary to make everyone feel safe. Along with the new signs pertaining to the playground rules seems to have helped decrease the late night activities.

Appearance: Thanks to each homeowner for the way they have maintained their property’s appearance. I have continued to receive complaints from some homeowners within the neighborhood itself concerning animal waste. Each person is responsible for the cleanup of their animal’s mess.

Stolen Property and Malicious Vandalism: There has been a few instances where some items were stolen from cars and garages. Most of the time the cars were unlocked. These problems and some other incidents have created the need for the Neighborhood Watch Program to be escalated. Anyone seeing someone stealing, vandalizing property or suspicious activities should call 911 immediately. You may request that you not be identified if that is your desire. Each Block Captain is requested to update their telephone tree and make the necessary contacts when the need arises.

Neighborhood Needs: The HOA Board is considering a spring cleanup of the neighborhood. Particular interest is the poor condition some of the mail boxes and mail box post are in. There is always a need for people to serve on our different committees. These committees are there to make sure that your investment in your home remains solid. I hope your desire is to have a beautiful and a safe neighborhood. Without your help it is difficult to get everything done.

Thanks to each member of the board and committees during the past year. Your tireless efforts did not go unnoticed. Without your time and efforts this neighborhood would not be the fine place it is. It has been my pleasure to serve as your HOA Board President for the past year. I appreciated your support and input.

~Donald McFarland, Board PresidentGrande Park Homeowners Association

Monday, January 5, 2009

Wednesday January 14, 2009
7pm @ Aldersgate Church, 2nd Floor
You should have received your annual notice and proxy (if you won't be attending the meeting) in the mail this week. Please come!!!!!