THE HOA BOARD MET LAST NIGHT for our monthly meeting. We planned a few things for the coming months so I wanted to update the Blog with the news.
APRIL 11 – SAVE THE DATE! The annual
EGG-STRAVAGANZA will be held at the Playground again! We will have a large egg hunt with prizes and activities for the kids.
VOLUNTEERS are needed! Please contact me or Shinnette if you would like to help out! We will send out a flyer closer to the date to request help and candy for the eggs! I have tons of eggs from prior years, so we should just need the candy and prizes if anyone has something cool to donate!
The Annual Grande Park COMMUNITY YARD SALE. We will place ads in the Herald Sun and other media. It’s a great time for everyone to downsize and make some money! The community aspect really brings in the traffic and buyers $ $ $ !
JUNE-AUGUST- We are starting a
YARD OF THE MONTH contest during the summer months! We will be looking for the best looking yard/house in the neighborhood! The winners each month will be awarded a $25 gift card to Lowes and the chance to place the YARD OF THE MONTH WINNER sign in their yard that month!! WOW! This should be a great way to motivate residents to look their best and outshine their neighbors! I love a little competition!
Playground maintenance. The Playground will be re-mulched before April 11. We are also getting quotes to have the play set cleaned and sealed, a much needed maintenance item that we have not done in a long time, if ever!
MAILBOXES AND POSTS! We’ve noticed, as I am sure you have, that some residents are not keeping up with the maintenance of their mailboxes. It seems like a trivial thing, but it’s actually a real eyesore driving through the neighborhood. It doesn’t take that much effort especially when Morgan Property Management is able to purchase the
mailboxes at cost for $35!!!! If you are one of the residents with a mailbox in need of replacement, please contact Sheryl at Morgan Property Management (see her contact info at the bottom of the blog) and order a new one! Perhaps you just need some black spray paint and new brass bands to make your mailbox sparkle?? You can buy just the bands from Sheryl too!
Speaking of sparkling! The original wooden mailbox posts are really starting to get old and in some cases rot! We have found a PVC post that looks similar and needs little to no maintenance. We found them at Lowes for $79! Here is a picture; you don't have to attach the flower pot in the back if you don't want to.
Otherwise, a quick fresh coat of white paint does the trick! If you need assistance with mailbox maintenance, please contact one of the HOA Board members, we may be able to help !
New Officers. We elected the new officers last night too. They are:
President – Don McFarland
Vice President – Casmir (Caz) Duval
Secretary – Cynthia Duval
Treasurer – Carol Hammett
As always, if you have any questions, comments, suggestions, or concerns or would like to post something to this blog, please call one of the HOA Board members below!