Saturday, February 27, 2010

Non-emergency for BARKING DOGS call: 560-4600
We have had several complaints about barking dogs in the neighborhood. If you have a dog outside, please take note if he/she is barking at every squirrel, passer-by or vehicle. If you can hear him/her, then your neighbors can too! If you are annoyed by the constant barking of a dog you can do several things.
1. TALK TO THE DOG OWNER. Notify them that their dog is barking incessantly, or at unreasonable hours... they may not know!
2. Call Animal Control 560-0630. Although Animal Control does not enforce the nuisance laws in the City of Durham , they may want to come out and check the dogs environment and make sure there are no abuse issues occurring.
3. Call the City PD's non-emergency # 560-4600. This is the number to call for nuisance issues in the City of Durham. There are certain requirements for the barking to constitute a nuisance, it can't just be once in a while barking, or barking when provoked. It needs to be barking continuously for a certain time period in the night hours. Be specific of your complaint!
Your attention to this matter is greatly appreciated!

Friday, February 5, 2010

The HOA Board met last night for the annual change of officers. Here are your new officers:

President: Shinette Richmond
Vice Pres: Cas Duval
Secretary: Cynthia Duval
Treasurer: Karrie Comatas

We look forward to serving the community, but need the residents input to really make a difference!

We also scheduled the Annual Easter Egg Hunt, which will be held Saturday March 27 with a rain date of April 3. Mark your calendars now!