Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Google Fiber Project:

Google is planning to launch an opportunity that will make Internet access better and faster for everyone. The networks will deliver Internet speeds more than 100 times faster than what is considered average by most Americans. The launch will make fiber-to-the-home connections over 1 gigabit per second.

There's something you can and should do to support the effort:

•Join the
Facebook group (currently 2,200+ fans)
•Post to Twitter about our efforts using the hash tag
•Submit an idea on the
HiFiber Durham web site or vote for an idea about how to use Google Fiber
Durham individually for the network (perhaps the most important action you can take other than sharing this information with a friend). Just click "Get Involved" and nomiate Durham!

Monday, March 15, 2010

8th Annual Easter Egg Hunt and Social
Saturday March 27
at the Grande Park Playground
11 am (weather permitting)
Grande Park kids of all ages are invited to decorate baskets, hunt for eggs, win prizes and play with the neighbors!
You should have received a flyer in your mail slot this weekend!
If you plan on attending (and hunt eggs) please drop off candy on the front porch of
1715 Mystic Dr. by Thursday March 25!
Volunteers are needed to hide eggs that morning at the Playground or bring refreshments, please contact Carol or Karrie (our e-mail addresses are at the bottom of this blog) if you are interested in helping! Thanks!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Remember that Daylight Saving Time begins this weekend. On Sunday, at 2 a.m., you are reminded to set your clock ahead one hour.

While changing your clocks, this is the perfect time to complete your bi-annual check on your smoke detectors. Twice a year, batteries in smoke detectors should be evaluated and changed to ensure detectors are fully charged and ready if needed. Make special note that smoke detectors should be tested monthly and replaced at least every ten years.