Wednesday, July 18, 2007


This blog will hopefully be a resource to the residents of Grande Park, for information, news, events and more importantly communication among neighbors.

I've lived in Grande Park for 1 year and have just recently joined the HOA Board. I had a lot of questions that probably most residents do about the community, such as WHO ARE THE HOA BOARD MEMBERS? WHAT ARE MY HOA DUES PAYING FOR? IS THERE A NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH PROGRAM? and WHAT IS GOING ON AT THE MAIN ENTRANCE ON UMSTEAD??

I've come to find out that there are answers to all of these questions! YEAH!

So, I thought it would be helpful to all of the residents of Grande Park to have easy access to all of the information that I have received from being on the HOA board, as well as create a portal of communication for the neighborhood.

I encourage you all to BOOKMARK this blog, and check back often. I plan on posting EXCITING information about THE ROAD, THE PLAYGROUND, THE LANDSCAPING, PACE CARS, and NATIONAL NIGHT OUT! Exciting stuff I must admit!

I also encourage all of you to provide comments! Your participation is greatly appreciated, otherwise, I am pretty much talking to myself, which isn't as much fun!

Thanks!!! See you around.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

What an excellent job creating the Blog for Grande Park. It is so professionally put together and informative. Your hard work is greatly appreciated. I hope other's use this resource to them!
Thank You !!!