Thursday, November 1, 2007

November 4 - 2am

"Fall Back" - Nov 4: Time to Change your Clocks and Batteries in Smoke Detectors!

Residents are reminded that Sunday November 4 at 2:00am marks the end of Daylight Saving Time, the time when they should move clocks back one hour.

It's also the perfect time to make sure your smoke detector has a fresh battery and that it is in good working order.
"We encourage our citizens to perform a monthly check of their smoke detectors and have family fire drills to ensure that all members know what to do if the smoke detector is activated". Batten adds, "It is better to know what to do before an emergency takes place and you should have an evacuation plan and practice it monthly".
The Durham County Fire Marshal's Office has a program to provide smoke detectors to citizens of Durham County who need them. They can be installed free of charge. In addition the office stocks batteries for those who need them as well.
For more information, contact the Office of the Durham County Fire Marshal at 919 560-0660.

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