Friday, March 7, 2008

Daylight Saving Time is Not Only the Time to Check Your Clock

On Sunday, March 9, the world will move forward one hour for daylight saving time. Daylight saving time, beginning at 2:00a.m. in the United States, advances time so that afternoons have more daylight and mornings have less light. Each spring, time is moved forward. Each fall, time is moved back and an extra hour is gained.

While springing forward in time, it is also a good time to check the batteries in smoke detectors in the home. To address the important issue of fire safety, Durham County Government helps to install smoke detectors in homes across the County. “If someone does not have a smoke detector, we will have someone to go to a citizen’s home and install one [smoke detector] for free,” says Jeff Batten, fire marshal and director of Emergency Management for Durham County.

For more information about fire safety and the installation of smoke detectors, dial 560-0660.

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