Sunday, January 10, 2010

Annual Meeting update!

Only 2 people outside of the HOA Board of Directors showed up to the annual meeting! I guess that means the Board is doing a good job and there are no complaints by residents!?!

Here are the highlights from the meeting.

The Presidents annual report is pasted below.
The Yard of the month will be extended 1 month this year from June - September.
Shinnette Richmond's was extended another 2 years.
Karrie Comatas was appointed to the Board.
Mailboxes continue to be a concern since the appearance of the neighborhood is a huge factor in property values.
There continues to be a need for active Block Captains for the security of our neighborhood.

HOA Board President’s Annual Report (2009):

The year 2009 marked the 7th year for the Grande Park Homeowners Association. The Homeowners Board has continued the established programs that were in place during previous years. The HOA Board consist of 6 members.

Present members are:
Don McFarland – President
Shinnette Richmond – Vice President
Cynthia Duval – Secretary
Carol Hammett – Member
Yvonne Wright – Member
Cas Duval – Member

Morgan Property Management continued to represent Grande Park and Sheryl Morgan’s contract was renewed for another year.

Newton’s Landscaping was renewed for another year. Newton’s Landscaping has continued doing an excellent job. Everyone seems to be very satisfied.

The Social Committee, chaired by Carol Hammett and Shinnette Richmond, continued with events and programs such as the Easter Egg Hunt, the yard sale, the National Night Out and Caroling/Food collection for the Durham Rescue Mission in December. The $25.00 gift certificate was given to Amy Ludwig for the best Christmas decorations. These events were successful due to the tireless efforts put forth by these two chairpersons. Our community owes them and all the other residents who contributed, thank you on behalf of our community!!!!

The Street Representatives, established in 2004, continued to play a critical role in representing the neighborhood and making sure needed information was distributed to their respective groups. As of this time we have all nine street representative positions filled. We need others to step up and help in this endeavor. Based on the most recent statistics crimes can occur in any neighborhood.

The Grande Park Blog, maintained by Carol Hammett, continued to keep the neighborhood informed of current events. Carol has done an outstanding job.

The Architectural Improvement Committee (ARC) continues to keep our neighborhood in compliance with the Architectural Guidelines that were established and then revised in August 2003. Cas Duval has continued to do an excellent job.

Appearance: Thanks to most of Grande Park homeowners for the way they have maintained their property’s appearance. One problem area is the way some animal owners continue to let the animals use the bathroom along Bivins and Umstead roads and have not picked up the animal’s droppings. I have also received complaints from some homeowners within the neighborhood itself. Each person is responsible for the cleanup of their animals mess. This is a continuing problem.

Stolen Property and Malicious Vandalism: Several homeowners have informed me that they have had items stolen. These incidents have happened recently and seem to be escalating. These problems and some other incidents have created the immediate need for improving the Neighborhood Watch Program. Anyone seeing someone stealing or vandalizing property should call 911 immediately. You may request that you not be identified if that is your desire.

Neighborhood Needs
1. 2 individuals to serve on the ARC
2. 2 individual to serve on the Social Committee

Thanks to each member of the board and committees during the past year. Your tireless efforts did not go unnoticed. Without your time and efforts this neighborhood would not be the fine place it is.

It has been my pleasure to serve as your HOA Board President for the past year. I appreciated your support and input.

Donald McFarland, Board President
Grande Park Homeowners Association

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