Friday, February 5, 2010

The HOA Board met last night for the annual change of officers. Here are your new officers:

President: Shinette Richmond
Vice Pres: Cas Duval
Secretary: Cynthia Duval
Treasurer: Karrie Comatas

We look forward to serving the community, but need the residents input to really make a difference!

We also scheduled the Annual Easter Egg Hunt, which will be held Saturday March 27 with a rain date of April 3. Mark your calendars now!


P-J Blog said...
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P-J Blog said...

I was wondering if the community would be interested in participating in Earth Hour. This could be our contributions by hosting a community event. The community simply flips the switch at 8:30 to 9:30. We could register as a group to support the campaign of reducing the effects of climate change and protect our entire planet’s future by a simple act of turning our lights off for an hour.
Fro more information

P-J Blog said...

The date for Earth Hour is March 27

Girlzorba said...

I like the idea Mattie- we do this in our house but would be great to get the neighborhood as a whole. I will ask the board for suggestions, but for now let's try word of mouth to get everyone on board.